Our platform stores and analyzes X (Twitter) data to provide you with valuable insights on the latest trends and help you stay up-to-date with the audience. Discover what's currently trending, track trend history(30 days), and explore popular hashtags and topics over the long term.
Here are the current top X (Twitter) trending topics Giza, as of 6 minutes ago.
Rank | Trending Topic / Hashtag | Tweet Volume | Copy |
1 | #سبحان_الله_وبحمده
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
2 | #صر_ال
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
3 | #صر_ال
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
4 | #نبيل_فهمي_في_مخيال
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
5 | #لك_م
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
6 | ألمانيا
73.2k | Copy |
7 | السيتي
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
8 | العاصمه الاداريه
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
9 | محمد
263.8k | Copy |
10 | أستون فيلا
677.2k | Copy |
11 | عصام الحضري
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
12 | اليوم السبت
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
13 | ارسنال
679.4k | Copy |
14 | برشلونة
685.3k | Copy |
15 | اتلتيكو مدريد
678.5k | Copy |
16 | امين عمر
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
17 | Germany
941.1k | Copy |
18 | علي يوسف
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
19 | الثوره المضاده
10.9k | Copy |
20 | Islam
439.3k | Copy |
21 | 21 ديسمبر 2024
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
22 | جواو بيدرو
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
23 | نيمار
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
24 | سوق عيد الميلاد
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
25 | Saudi
349.6k | Copy |
26 | دانا شوقي
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
27 | اليمن
139.2k | Copy |
28 | بره الموازنه
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
29 | ماغديبورغ الالمانيه
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
30 | وليد سليمان
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
31 | الثوره المصريه
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
32 | علي قدس الاقداس
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
33 | التعاون الاقتصادي
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
34 | الجانب الاسود
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
35 | ميدو شات كوره
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
36 | الموازنه العامه
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
37 | السلطات الالمانيه
11.3k | Copy |
38 | مدير الكره
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
39 | المفوضيه الاوروبيه
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
40 | الوفد الامريكي
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
41 | الجهاز الاداري
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
42 | روبين
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
43 | دكتور مصري
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
44 | كيميتش
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
45 | شباب بلوزداد
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
46 | سعودي الجنسيه
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
47 | الفردوس الاعلي
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
48 | مصطفي شلبي
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
49 | السلطات السعوديه
below 10k
below 10k | Copy |
Note: Trends refreshes every Hour . to view the Hourly trending Trends for last 24 hour click of Expand view button below |
Get real-time updates on the hottest trending hashtags and topics on X (Twitter) Giza with our automated page. Our page utilizes the official X (Twitter) API to refresh the most talked-about hashtags and topics every 30 minutes, ensuring you always have access to the most current trends on the platform.
These trending hashtags and topics are also popular on other social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook. Bookmark our page to stay updated on what's trending on X (Twitter) Giza .
X (Twitter) uses a combination of factors to determine the most popular and relevant trending topics on the platform. These include the number of tweets, the number of users tweeting about a topic, and the level of engagement on tweets related to the topic. The platform's algorithms also consider the user's location and language to display trends that are relevant to their specific region and language.
Trending topics on X (Twitter) are not influenced by personal opinions or paid promotions, but rather reflect the interests and conversations of the X (Twitter) community as a whole. The platform's algorithms are designed to identify topics that are popular among a wide range of users, rather than just a small group. Any attempts to artificially manipulate trending topics are strictly prohibited by Twitter's policies.
X (Twitter) 's trending algorithm is designed to identify significant increases in the popularity of a specific topic or hashtag, compared to its usual level of activity. To do this, the algorithm takes into account both the volume of tweets about the topic (the number of tweets) and the time it takes to generate that volume of tweets. Time is a critical factor in determining trends, as a topic that gradually builds in popularity over the course of a month may generate a large number of tweets after 30 days, but may not have experienced a sudden spike in activity that would qualify it as a trend. By considering both volume and time, X (Twitter) 's trending algorithm is able to identify trends that are both popular and relevant to the current conversation on the platform.